Should You Invest When You WIN The Lottery?

A lottery is a form of gambling that involves the drawing of numbers at random for a prize. Some governments outlaw lotteries, while others endorse it to the extent of organizing a national or state lottery. It is common to find some degree of regulation of lottery by governments. Wikipedia

Lotteries come in many formats. For example, the prize can be a fixed amount of cash or goods. In this format, there is risk to the organizer if insufficient tickets are sold. More commonly, the prize fund will be a fixed percentage of the receipts. A popular form of this is the “50–50” draw, where the organizers promise that the prize will be 50% of the revenue. Many recent lotteries allow purchasers to select the numbers on the lottery ticket, resulting in the possibility of multiple winners.

How does the lottery work?

How do lotteries work? When you play the lottery, you’ll spend a small sum of money to get the chance to win a huge prize. The winners are selected at random. If you pick all the winning numbers, you’ll win the jackpot, or share it with others who have all the correct numbers as well.

In this video by ” Millionaire Post“. They discuss the advice given by Billionaire Mark Cuban on whether you should invest when you win the lottery. Check it out

Mark Cuban: “NEVER Invest When You WIN The Lottery”

When you win the lottery the most general advice you hear around is to either save or invest the money to not blow it up. Mark Cuban’s advice is a bit different. He actually suggests never investing when you win the lottery. This infamous successful entrepreneur tells lottery winners to rethink twice before investing. Make sure to watch until the very end so you’ll learn what to do with your money instead!

Millionaire Post
win the lottery advancing mindset
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My name is Joshua and I am a Mindset Coach. Entrepreneurs hire me to help them Think Positive, Be Emotionally Intelligent and Take Smart Actions

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